June 24, 2014

A Perfect Story

Getting storytelling right is hard. Sometimes you have to think outside of the box to tell the perfect story.

June 19, 2014

Social Media Done Right

What is the right way to use social media as a brand? I don't think there is a one size fits all answer to that question. However, I think there are some key elements that are necessary for successful social media campaigns and long term community building.

  • Provide information that is meaningful and valuable to your audience.
  • Engage with your audience in real-time about relevant topics and information.
Sounds simple, right?

It's easier in theory than in practice. And, in government, it can be particularly challenging.

Today, I saw a great example of social media really done right by a government agency. This afternoon, a bear ventured onto the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. (For those unfamiliar with the Washington, DC metro area, Bethesda is a suburb just north of the city - and definitely not a place that bears frequently visit.) Within a short period of time, this was all over the news, and the bear had a couple Twitter accounts, including @NIH_Bear.

Throughout the afternoon the authorities, include the Maryland Natural Resources Police (@MDNRPolice on Twitter) worked to get the bear captured and relocated to a more rural, wildlife-friendly location. During that time, @MDNRPolice had an ongoing conversation with the crazy @NIH_Bear Twitter user. The conversation was quick, funny, and smart. It was great to see a government agency engaging with their community in real-time in a relevant way.

And, they took the opportunity to teach people a little bit of information about their state's work to preserve wildlife:

This is a great example of social media done right.

I gave them kudos on Twitter and they had the best response:

Time to Start Posting Again...

I have been neglecting this blog as of late, but have been wanting to resume posting. Today, I finally became motivated - and inspired to start posting again.