September 25, 2009

Be Authentic and Engage!

Social media can be overwhelming. Especially when using the platforms for marketing. Which platform, how to participate, what is expectable protocol? Lots of questions. And there is lots of advice from lots of different experts trying to tell you which answer is right.

Let me start by saying this: I do not consider myself an expert; I am still learning. Social media is a rapidly evolving landscape. As new platforms emerge and new communities form every day.

So, what do I think is most important when participating in social media? Audience engagement, content, messaging, timing, what?

Choosing the proper place to communicate with your audience is essential. Content is important. It must relevant and valuable. The information must be presented in a manner that is appropriate to the forum (wording, images, level of formality). The timing of a message can be very consequential to the outcome of the campaign. In the world of social media information can spread virally or get lost in the fray. All these things are necessary to consider, as are other traditional marketing factors.

Be authentic and engage! Social media forums are where people go to engage in conversations and share information. People expect two way dialogue when they react to something. This is not the place to polished, one-way advertisements and then walk away. It is a place to share information in an honest and authentic manner.

Be you. Be true to your brand. Engage in the conversation.

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