January 21, 2010

What Comes Next

In November I dedicated a blog post to writing about remembering to be thankful. This time I want to talk about new beginnings. I have found that in both life and in business, new and unexpected opportunities emerge in the face of adversary, uncertainty, or frustration. Often the new changes and chances far exceed previous expectations and ideas.

Several years ago I left a fairly stable career to try something new. I quit my job and enrolled in graduate school to pursue my MBA. It was a new beginning. It was also the catalyst of a great deal of positive change in my life.

Today I am at the turning point of more change. Last spring I received news that there would be a great deal of changes at my company. In the months that have elapsed since then, doubt, obstacles, and uncertainty have circulated creating a shadowy picture of the future. Now, the clouds have lifted and it is time for me to begin something new.

At the end of 2009 my husband and I relocated to Washington DC. In this city there is a much broader range of opportunities than in other areas of the country at this time. The only question that remains is which path is right for me?

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